Author Archives: Henry F. Cooper

April 23, 2019—Air Force Stewardship of Space?

April 23, 2019—Air Force Stewardship of Space?

Last week on the 77th anniversary of Jimmy Doolittle’s famous raid on Tokyo, I wrote a Newsmax article that I proposed to title, “No Space Pearl Harbor, Please!” I wanted it to key off that important historical event to emphasize lessons that we should not forget today. Instead, the Newsmax editors emphasized the important Doolittle raid itself, rather than an even more important (in my opinion) historical lesson that we dare not repeat. With that thought in mind, please review that article and see what you think. Then consider my follow-up comments. Read Full Story

April 9, 2019—Revive Brilliant Pebbles ASAP!

April 9, 2019—Revive Brilliant Pebbles ASAP!

Last month, many of us remembered President Reagan’s March 23, 1983 speech that launched his Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI), which many remember as playing a crucial role in ending the Cold War. What is seemingly forgotten is the important role that space-based defenses played in realizing Reagan’s vision — and, even more important, their potential benefits for today. A challenge for Trump’s Space Force! Read Full Story

April 2, 2019—EMP Executive Order: Good News, Bad News . . .

April 2, 2019—EMP Executive Order: Good News, Bad News . . .

President Trump’s March 26, 2019 Executive Order 13865 “Executive Order on Coordinating National Resilience to Electromagnetic Threats” is very important, but it leaves a challenge for the dysfunctional federal government, a condition that should give local citizens and leaders a great incentive for countering this now identified potentially urgent problem “from the bottom-up.” Read Full Story

March 26, 2019—Mr. President: Adopt Reagan’s SDI Vision!

March 26, 2019—Mr. President: Adopt Reagan’s SDI Vision!

Saturday was the 36th anniversary of President Ronald Reagan’s memorable speech launching his famed Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI), a day that many of us older folks concerned about the nation’s national security recall with great admiration for the most memorable and revered president of my lifetime. Read Full Story

March 19, 2019—More Unpleasant Lessons from Venezuela

March 19, 2019—More Unpleasant Lessons from Venezuela

The terrible consequences of the electric power failure in Venezuela are substantially less than those from the nationwide U.S. power grid blackout that would most likely result from an electromagnetic pulse (EMP) attack from high-altitude nuclear explosions over the United States, such as is in the military doctrine of Russia, China, North Korea and Iran. Read Full Story

March 15, 2019—Lessons from Venezuela

March 15, 2019—Lessons from Venezuela

Cascading collapse of the Venezuelan electric grid on March 7, 2019, led to a loss of electricity in 22 of 23 Venezuelan states. Power restoration has been slow and blackout pockets persist—and will likely cause further stress on Venezuela’s economic, social, and political systems. There are lessons to be learned in considering the possible consequence of a major electric power grid loss in the United States. Read Full Story

March 5, 2019—On Reykjavik Delusions!

March 5, 2019—On Reykjavik Delusions!

Many have compared when last week President Trump walked out of his Hanoi meeting with Kim Jong Un and when Ronald Reagan walked out of his October 1986 Reykjavik Summit with Mikhail Gorbachev, without indicating and understanding fundamental differences between the two important events. Read Full Story