“Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it.” ~ George Santayana Read Full Story

“Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it.” ~ George Santayana Read Full Story
“Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it.” ~ George Santayana Read Full Story
Let us pause to give thanks for all our blessings, and the lessons learned by those who came before us — particularly the Puritans who risked everything for a new life in America. Such memories help us see and meet our opportunities to leave this land better than we found it — with the help of the Sovereign of the Universe. So may it be . . . Read Full Story
Lake Wylie, on the Catawba River that flows from North to South Carolina, hosts three Duke Energy electric power plants and Transmission Lines to pass electricity to York County Distribution Lines operated primarily by Rock Hill Utility and York County Co-operative companies to provide it to York County citizens. The Lake Wylie Pilot Study promises to protect local citizens and be followed by others in South and North Carolina and beyond. Read Full Story
On the heels of Halloween, we saw the California fires finally wind down and a year-long silly season toward our next national election begin — while Washington’s leaders mostly ignore the existential EMP threat. And after Saturday’s 30th anniversary of the end of the Cold War when the Berlin Wall came down and the 244th birthday of the Marines, Veterans Day reminds us of all who have served and are serving to keep us safe and secure. Read Full Story
“We have known about the existential threat posed by electromagnetic pulses (EMP) and geomagnetic disturbances (GMD) for decades. . . . It is way past time to stop admiring this problem, and actually begin to do something concrete to protect our vulnerable electrical grid, control systems, and the ever-increasing array of electronic devices our society has become dependent upon.” ~ Senator Ron Johnson (R-WI) Read Full Story
“An electromagnetic pulse (EMP) has the potential to disrupt, degrade, and damage technology and critical infrastructure systems. Human-made or naturally occurring EMPs can affect large geographic areas, disrupting elements critical to the Nation’s security and economic prosperity, and could adversely affect global commerce and stability. The Federal Government must foster sustainable, efficient, and cost-effective approaches to improving the Nation’s resilience to the effects of EMPs.” Statement of Purpose of the March 26, 2019 Executive Order 13865 on Coordinating National Resilience to Electromagnetic Pulses. Read Full Story
“Gorbachev said he could not do it. If they could agree to ban research in space, he would sign in two minutes. They should add to the text ‘The testing in space of all space components of missile defense is prohibited, except research and testing conducting in laboratories’ . . .” Authoritative Memcon from Reykjavik Summit, October 12, 1986 Read Full Story
“Critical infrastructure keeps our food fresh, our houses warm, our trade flowing, and our citizens productive and safe. The vulnerability of U.S. critical infrastructure to cyber, physical and electromagnetic attacks means that adversaries could disrupt military command and control, banking and financial operations, the electrical grid and means of communication.” ~President Donald Trump, identifying the most serious existential threats to Americans in his Dec. 18, 2017 National Security Strategy statement Read Full Story
While congress goes on another recess without agreeing on appropriations to fund the government for the next fiscal year — again — and seeking feedback from the folks at home over their primary focus on impeaching President Trump — one more time, America’s geopolitical challenges grow. Read Full Story
We will be adding key policy briefs as we progress.