Good Morning!
This morning I woke up thinking about the remaining 11 days of 2015, and how to best invest the time which remains. This time of year, I believe each of us spend time reflecting on what was accomplished during the year, and thinking about items we’d like to improve upon in the coming year. I trust you are doing that in your own personal and business life as well.
This time last year we were still in “The Vision Stage” of trying to execute a National Security Action Summit in the early presidential primary state of South Carolina. You may remember receiving a piece of mail asking for your financial partnership to put such an event on.
In March of this year that hope became a reality when High Frontier, with the help of individuals like you and the partnership of The Center for Security Policy and Breitbart News was able to host the first National Security Action Summit in Columbia, SC where the following four topics were discussed: The Insecurity of Our Electric Grid, The Insecurity of our Immigration System, The Threat from Shariah and the Global Jihad Movement, and America’s Military in Decline. Each of those panels are linked, and you can watch the entire day by clicking here.

Additional summits took place this year in Iowa, New Hampshire and just last week in Nevada.
The goal of these summits was to engage activists, local and state leaders as well as national leaders to discuss what we believe are some of the greatest threats facing our republic and stimulate debate on these issues at all levels of electoral politics in 2016. Clearly current events have aided in this stimulation as well.
Last night my father and I watched Saturday’s episode of The Kelly File, where Frank Luntz had an audience discussing National Security Issues, the majority of whom felt at this moment in history, these issues are more important than economic issues. Obviously national security was a prime issue in the GOP Presidential debate on December 15th and if you watched the Democratic Presidential Debate on Friday night, you know the first third of that debate discussed the national security issues as well.
We continue to believe there are solutions to each of the problems we face. We continue to believe that our elected leaders follow public opinion and engaged citizens, so now more than ever we need your help to continue applying the correct pressure on our elected leadership.
As you wrap up your year, thinking about your “did well’s” and “things to improve upon” next year we ask that you would also review the work High Frontier has invested in this year. If you see results, and you are already investing in our efforts – I ask that you please continue. If you see results, and you have yet to contribute to our efforts, I please ask that you would start.
If you have appreciated the traction High Frontier is gaining on these issues, as well as the weekly summary my father puts out each Tuesday – I would ask that you consider High Frontier in your year-end giving.
Please click here to either make a one-time year end contribution, or to become a monthly contributor for 2016. Your monthly contribution will help us budget what we can accomplish in 2016. If you would prefer to mail your donation, please send to High Frontier, 500 North Washington Street, Alexandria, VA 22314.
E-Mail Message 151221
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