The inaugural Space Capstone Publication, Spacepower (SCP), is the first United States Space Force (USSF) articulation of doctrine for its independent theory of spacepower. Read Full Story

The inaugural Space Capstone Publication, Spacepower (SCP), is the first United States Space Force (USSF) articulation of doctrine for its independent theory of spacepower. Read Full Story
DoD is upgrading the Aegis BMD system’s SM-3 Block IIA interceptor, and its command, control system to intercept ICBMs. It’s about time since even the Block IB had this potential!!! So, we are reportedly taking the first step of the Heritage Foundation’s 1995 Team B Recommendations for a Global Defense. When, oh when, will we take the second and go to space? Read Full Story
The Trump administration’s funding priorities display an apparent strategy to play “catch-up” with the growing Russian and Chinese hypersonic threat capabilities — and to rely totally on the Mutual Assured Destruction (MAD) strategy of the Cold War. Does President Trump really want a new Cold War, now involving a multilateral offensive nuclear arms race? I hope not! Read Full Story
“China is pursuing a broad and robust array of counterspace capabilities, which includes direct-ascent anti-satellite missiles, co-orbital anti-satellite systems, computer network operations, ground-based satellite jammers and directed energy weapons.” ~ Bill Gertz in an October 17, 2015 Washington Times article, “New Details of Chinese Space weapons” Read Full Story
Last week on the 77th anniversary of Jimmy Doolittle’s famous raid on Tokyo, I wrote a Newsmax article that I proposed to title, “No Space Pearl Harbor, Please!” I wanted it to key off that important historical event to emphasize lessons that we should not forget today. Instead, the Newsmax editors emphasized the important Doolittle raid itself, rather than an even more important (in my opinion) historical lesson that we dare not repeat. With that thought in mind, please review that article and see what you think. Then consider my follow-up comments. Read Full Story
Last month, many of us remembered President Reagan’s March 23, 1983 speech that launched his Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI), which many remember as playing a crucial role in ending the Cold War. What is seemingly forgotten is the important role that space-based defenses played in realizing Reagan’s vision — and, even more important, their potential benefits for today. A challenge for Trump’s Space Force! Read Full Story
Many have compared when last week President Trump walked out of his Hanoi meeting with Kim Jong Un and when Ronald Reagan walked out of his October 1986 Reykjavik Summit with Mikhail Gorbachev, without indicating and understanding fundamental differences between the two important events. Read Full Story
“I believe it can be credibly argued that among President Reagan’s greatest acts of leadership was his commitment on March 23, 1983, to the Strategic Defense Initiative — SDI. . . He put it this way on the tenth anniversary of his SDI announcement: “It is as true today as it was ten years ago that this effort holds the promise of changing the course of human history, by freeing the world from the ominous threat of ballistic missile attack. Given the choice, shouldn’t we seek to save lives rather than avenge them?” ~ Former Senator Jon Kyl (R-AZ) . . . And it is still true today! Read Full Story
Brilliant Pebbles, the most important Ballistic Missile Defense (BMD) concept developed by President Reagan’s Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI), was canceled by the Clinton Administration for ideological reasons and has been ignored ever since. If resurrected by President Trump’s Space Force and supported by Congress, it could begin deployment in space within five years and operate for 20 years for a total cost of $20 billion or less. Read Full Story
“Glory belongs to the act of being constant to something greater than yourself, to a cause, to your principals, to the people on whom you rely and who rely on you.” ~ John S. McCain, III — Sailor, Representative, Senator, American . . . Read Full Story
We will be adding key policy briefs as we progress.