“The Iran nuclear deal is a terrible one for the United States and the world. It does nothing but make Iran rich and will lead to catastrophe.” ~ Donald Trump Tweet Read Full Story

“The Iran nuclear deal is a terrible one for the United States and the world. It does nothing but make Iran rich and will lead to catastrophe.” ~ Donald Trump Tweet Read Full Story
“In the most severe scenario of an all-out attack upon undersea cable infrastructure by a hostile actor the impact of connectivity loss is potentially catastrophic, but even relatively limited sabotage has the potential to cause significant economic disruption and damage.” ~ Former NATO Commander, Retired US Navy Admiral James Stavridis Read Full Story
The terrible Iran Deal has been and is little to no help in preventing metastasizing of Iran’s nuclear threat. Indeed it has become a shield behind which Iran is gaining confidence in the deliverable nuclear weapon capability it has pursued for many years in conjunction with its ally North Korea, i.e., via a deliberate path toward nuclear weapons and the means to deliver them—to attack the “Little Satan” Israel and the “Great Satan” America. President Trump: Ditch the deal!! Read Full Story
“Like the leaders of other fascist states, the [Iranian] mullahs who have ruled the Islamic Republic have claimed universal authority in the name of their doctrine, not of their country. And they are prepared to die — along with their followers — to accomplish their mission. As Khomeini put it shortly after the occupation of the American Embassy in Tehran in 1979: ‘We do not worship Iran, we worship Allah . . . For patriotism is another name for paganism. I say, let this land burn. I say, let this land go up in smoke, provided Islam emerges triumphant in the rest of the world.’” ~ Retired Army Lt. General Michael Flynn and Dr. Michael Ledeen, The Field of Fight, St. Martin’s Press, 2016, p. 79-80. Read Full Story
“Today marks an important milestone toward preventing Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon and ensuring its nuclear program is exclusively peaceful going forward. . . . I welcome this important step forward. And we, together with our partners, must now focus on the critical work of fully implementing this comprehensive resolution that addresses our concerns over Iran’s nuclear program.” ~ President Barak Obama, October 18, 2015 . . . We should live so long! Read Full Story
The Obama administration seems delusional about the threats we face and clueless about how to counter them. Others must fill the gaps, and 2016 should be a national-security election. Hopefully, we will elect a president and congress who understand the urgent strategic perils America faces—worldwide, and especially in the Middle East. We quite literally have no time to waste. Read Full Story
“But I don’t want to go among the mad people,” Alice remarked. “Oh, you can’t help that,” said the [Cheshire] cat, “We’re all mad here. I’m Mad, you’re mad.” “How do you know I’m mad?” said Alice. “You must be,” said the cat, “or else you wouldn’t have come here.” ~ Lewis Carol, Alice in Wonderland. Read Full Story
As the clock winds down on the near-term destiny of the terrible Nuclear Deal with Iran, a long-standing threat from Iran’s ally, North Korea, again raises its ugly head. Will we pay attention? Or also continue to ignore it and its ties to Iran? Read Full Story
After closing the deal, to Israel: “You will not be around in 25 years’ time, and God willing, there will be no Zionist regime in 25 years.” To America: “America, in a way, has divided its duties with Iran and behaves in a twofold way; some smile while others are busy producing legislation against Iran.” … Supreme Leader Grand Ayatollah Khamenei … with chants in the background of “Death to America” Read Full Story
Today, we remember those nearly 3000 who died 14 years ago in the 9/11 jihadi attack on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon—and the failed attack on the White House or the Capitol, thanks to the efforts of those passengers who took United Flight 93 down in Pennsylvania. We are still concerned about additional jihadi attacks on our homeland—and that our leaders are not doing all they can to protect us and our security interests around the world. Read Full Story
We will be adding key policy briefs as we progress.