Category Archives: Russia

March 6, 2018—Thank you, Vladimir!

March 6, 2018—Thank you, Vladimir!

On March 1, 2018, Russian President Vladimir Putin favored us with some of his true views, consistent with his reported declaration over a decade ago, “The breakup of the Soviet Union was the greatest geopolitical tragedy of the 20th century.” His bellicose claims of how Russia was now rectifying the failures of his predecessors remind me of Nikita Khrushchev’s 1956 claim that “Whether you like it or not, history is on our side. We will bury (or outlast) you. Hopefully, “Forewarned is forearmed!” Read Full Story

February 20, 2018—Space: The Ultimate High Ground!

February 20, 2018—Space: The Ultimate High Ground!

“We’ve been led astray by viewing space as some kind of a fuzzy panda bear thing; I think the Chinese … the Russians and others, they view space as the ultimate high ground. They are preparing for battle in space.” ~ Admiral Harry Harris, Commander of U.S. Pacific Command, in February 14, 2018 testimony before the House Armed Services Committee Read Full Story

April 4, 2017—Pending World Disaster?

April 4, 2017—Pending World Disaster?

“The best swordsman in the world doesn’t need to fear the second best swordsman in the world; no, the person for him to be afraid of is some ignorant antagonist who has never had a sword in his hand before; he doesn’t do the thing he ought to do, and so the expert isn’t prepared for him; he does the thing he ought not to do; and often it catches the expert out and ends him on the spot.” ~ Mark Twain (1835-1910) Read Full Story

January 17, 2017—Tiger Rag and a New Day!

January 17, 2017—Tiger Rag and a New Day!

“I’m a proud Clemson alum, I’m a proud governor, and I’m a proud South Carolinian . . . Clemson showed their heart and humility throughout the entire season, and in an unforgettable national championship victory, they reminded us that, with faith and hard work, anything is possible. That’s what defines South Carolina.” SC Governor and future UN Ambassador Nikki Haley, as she ordered the Clemson colors to fly above the state capitol. Read Full Story

January 10, 2017—It’s Over?

January 10, 2017—It’s Over?

On January 6, the 115th Congress certified the will of the Electoral College and the Constitutional basis for our Republic, officially ending efforts of a disheartened Democrat Party to somehow deflect Donald Trump from becoming our 45th President. Vice President Joe Biden, who chaired this session, memorably chastened Democrats who continued to seek to block the will of the people, declared their attempts to be out of order, memorably stated “It’s over!” and adjourned the session. Read Full Story

January 3, 2017—The Expanding Swamp . . .

January 3, 2017—The Expanding Swamp . . .

As the days to January 20, 2017 wind down, President Barak Obama is doing all he can to leave the incoming Trump administration burdened with additional defense and foreign policy initiatives that at best, like so many during his past eight years, yield little to applaud and at worst significantly increase the dangers to the American people and our overseas allies. These actions only increase the challenge and urgency for President Trump to achieve his promise to the American People that he would “Drain the Swamp.” Read Full Story

December 13, 2016—“Shocked, Shocked” to find that Russia tried to influence our election!

December 13, 2016—“Shocked, Shocked” to find that Russia tried to influence our election!

Captain Renault: “I’m shocked, shocked to find that gambling is going on in here!” …  From the classic scene in Casablanca, made in 1942 This classic “shocked, shocked” line is from the memorable 1942-43 film cast in the shadow of the ongoing Second World War, made in Rick’s Cafe Americain, and addressed to Humphrey Bogart as… Read Full Story

October 18, 2016 — A New Cold War???

October 18, 2016 — A New Cold War???

“Putin is planning and preparing for a major military confrontation with US/NATO in northeast central Europe. He’s not committed to it. That will depend on local and temporal circumstances. But he’s planning and preparing for it. And the plan involves the early presentation of the threat of nuclear use and escalation by Russia to get US/NATO to back off and quit. To pull this off, Russia must present a picture of being better able to manage, fight, survive the nuclear escalation ladder from bottom to top . . .” Fritz Ermarth, former Chairman of the National Intelligence Council Read Full Story

October 11, 2016 — Rousing the Bear . . .

October 11, 2016 — Rousing the Bear . . .

“The best laid schemes of mice and men go often awry, and leave us nothing but grief and pain for promised joy!” ~ Robert Burns, 1785. Those words aptly describe the misplaced confidence the Obama administration placed in its touted “reset with Russia,” “strategic patience” and “leading from behind” strategies on a number of fronts, especially in the Middle East — and lay challenges for new “resets” to replace them. Read Full Story