Category Archives: Boost-Phase Defenses

July 30, 2019—Whither Space Defense?

July 30, 2019—Whither Space Defense?

“So far, the only promising [boost phase] defense system concept has been a space based or satellite borne interceptor. Such a system requires many thousands of interceptors in space, but at a given instant only a small fraction will be in a position to attack. The economic feasibility of such systems is heavily dependent upon equipment reliability and upon enemy countermeasures.” ~ Harold N. Beveridge in his 1960 Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA) ‘Project Defender” report Read Full Story

September 25, 2018—The SBI Price is Right!

September 25, 2018—The SBI Price is Right!

The September 19, 2018 Washington Times published an article, entitled “Toward a Cost-Effective Ballistic Missile Defense,” by Rowland H. (Rhip) Worrell and me, which reviewed facts to back-up Undersecretary of Defense Michael Griffin’s claim that a space-based defense could be deployed for less than $20-billion. Read Full Story

September 18, 2018—Time’s a-Wasting….

September 18, 2018—Time’s a-Wasting….

“So far, the only promising [boost phase] defense system concept has been a space based or satellite borne interceptor. Such a system requires many thousands of interceptors in space, but at a given instant only a small fraction will be in a position to attack. The economic feasibility of such systems is heavily dependent upon equipment reliability and upon enemy countermeasures.” ~ Harold N. Beveridge in his 1960 Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA) ‘Project Defender” report to the Director of Research and Engineering Read Full Story

March 20, 2018—One More Time for “The Gipper!”

March 20, 2018—One More Time for “The Gipper!”

“I didn’t take this job so that we could regain parity with our adversaries. As I’ve taken to saying: ‘I want to see their hand and raise them one. I want to make them worry about catching up with us again. . . Any American, any ally or partner that we have who doesn’t see it that way, I don’t have time for you.’” Under Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering Mike Griffin Read Full Story

March 13, 2018—Time to Revive Space Defense!

March 13, 2018—Time to Revive Space Defense!

“[S]pace capabilities are critical for effective deterrence, defense, and force projection capabilities. . . Due to the critical importance of these assets, the national security strategy states, ‘any harmful interference with or attack upon critical components of our space architecture that directly affects this vital U.S. interest will be met with a deliberate response at a time, place, manner, and domain of our choosing.'” Under Secretary of Defense for Policy John Rood Read Full Story

November 28, 2017—Boost Phase Intercept, Now!

November 28, 2017—Boost Phase Intercept, Now!

“INITIAL OPERATIONAL DEPLOYMENT.—The Secretary of Defense shall ensure that an effective interim kinetic or directed energy boost phase ballistic missile defense capability is available for initial operational deployment as soon as practicable.” Section 1685, National Defense Authorization Act for 2018 Read Full Story

June 5, 2014—Perceptions vs. Reality . . .

June 5, 2014—Perceptions vs. Reality . . .

The most cost-effective way to counter the threat of proliferating ballistic missiles with improved offensive countermeasures is with space-based defenses that can intercept attacking ballistic missiles while their rockets are burning in their boost phase, before they can release their decoys that can overwhelm our current mid-course defenses that work in outer space. These space-based defense concepts remain controversial—and are falsely perceived to be too expensive and beyond our reach. Over two decades ago, the most advanced technology produced by the Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI) was used to design a far more cost-effective system concept than any other basing alternative—before or since. We need to overcome this false perception and take full advantage of current technology to build a modern space-based defense system. And there are signs this is possible. Read Full Story

May 29, 2014—Revive Raptor Talon!

May 29, 2014—Revive Raptor Talon!

To counter the threat of proliferating ballistic missiles with improved offensive countermeasures, we need cost-effective defenses, well beyond the capability of our current systems. The best way to achieve this goal is with defenses that can intercept attacking ballistic missiles while their rockets are burning in their boost phase, before they can release their decoys that overwhelm our current mid-course defenses that work in outer space. We need to revive initiatives from the Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI) era that recognized this potential problem and dealt with it. The most cost-effective concepts, space based interceptors, remain controversial—but unpiloted aerial vehicles (UAVs) may be acceptable as launch platforms for boost-phase interceptors. Happily, that SDI-pioneered technology has survived, at least after a fashion, and could be harnessed to defeat today’s offensive countermeasures. Read Full Story