Category Archives: Missile Defense

October 8, 2014—Protect America from the EMP Threat!

October 8, 2014—Protect America from the EMP Threat!

The rise of the Islamic State and its objective of re-establishing an Islamic caliphate committed to destroying Western civilization highlights a threat the U.S. has ignored for decades. The ability to launch nuclear armed ballistic missiles is not beyond its prospective capabilities and exists already from North Korea and possibly soon from Iran. The electromagnetic pulse (EMP) from a single nuclear warhead detonated 100 miles or so over the U.S. could destroy our unhardened electric power grid—leading to the death of several hundred million Americans within the following year. It’s time to counter this threat! Read Full Story

September 24, 2014—ISIS . . . Over There?

September 24, 2014—ISIS . . . Over There?

Fourteen of yesterday’s early morning attacks in Syria focused on ISIS targets. Very important is that another eight Khorasan target areas were attacked by U.S. weapons, reportedly as somewhat of an afterthought, because recent intelligence indicated that these jihadis were on the verge of launching attacks in Europe and/or the U.S. homeland. Are we prepared to counter other “unidentified” homeland attacks? Read Full Story

August 25, 2014—Wake-up The Dogs Not Barking!

August 25, 2014—Wake-up The Dogs Not Barking!

“There is now an increasing likelihood that rogue nations such as North Korea (and before long, most likely, Iran) will soon match Russia and China in that they will have the primary ingredients for an EMP attack: simple ballistic missiles such as SCUDs that could be launched from a freighter near our shores; space launch vehicles able to launch low- earth-orbit satellites; and simple low-yield nuclear weapons that can generate gamma rays and fireballs. In 2004, the Russians told us that their “brain drain” had been helping the North Koreans develop EMP weapons . . .” ~Former CIA Director R. James Woolsey Read Full Story

August 18, 2014—On Organizing Principles . . . Really!

August 18, 2014—On Organizing Principles . . . Really!

“Great nations need organizing principles, and ‘Don’t do stupid stuff’ is not an organizing principle.” ~Private Citizen Hillary Clinton, The Atlantic, August 10, 2014 . . . “What difference at this point does it make?” Secretary of State Hillary Clinton before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, January 23. 2013. Indeed??? Read Full Story

August 5, 2014—Delusional Defense . . .

August 5, 2014—Delusional Defense . . .

“If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without bloodshed; if you will not fight when your victory is sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival. There may even be a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as slaves.” ~Winston Churchill Read Full Story

July 29, 2014—Quick Fixes to Counter the Existential EMP Threat!

July 29, 2014—Quick Fixes to Counter the Existential EMP Threat!

We remain vulnerable to the existential electromagnetic pulse (EMP) threat that is posed by rogue states and jihadi terrorists. Time’s awasting, but we have relatively inexpensive ways to counter this threat beginning immediately if only the “powers that be” wake up and take the needed actions. Click here ( for Johnny Cash and June Carter and 2 minutes of “Times A Wastin.” Read Full Story

July 2, 2014—Aegis Can Help Counter the EMP Threat

July 2, 2014—Aegis Can Help Counter the EMP Threat

As we join in the festivities of our Independence Day celebrations, we need to renew the pledges made by those who proposed the Declaration of Independence some 238 years ago today—again to “mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor” to assure the birthright given to us by the Founders is passed to future Americans. Not least is to prepare for and counter the existential EMP threat posed by the current forces of tyranny. Read Full Story

June 24, 2014—What did they know and when did they know it?

June 24, 2014—What did they know and when did they know it?

As I watch the expanding tangled web in the Middle East drift toward including a soon to be nuclear-armed Shia Iran to help counter the al Qaeda off-shoot Sunni Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS), I can’t help but note that America is drifting into an untenable situation that could end our way of life. These sworn enemies of each other agree on at least one thing—they hate Americans and would kill us all if they could. Soon they may be able to—and still we dawdle, refusing to harden the electric grid upon which our way of life depends. Who should be held accountable? Read Full Story

June 19, 2014—Oh, What a Tangled Web We Weave!

June 19, 2014—Oh, What a Tangled Web We Weave!

The quote “Oh, what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive” refers to how complicated life becomes when people lie. It originally referred to a love triangle in the 1808 play “Marmion,” written by Sir Walter Scott. It applies in spades to previous and current policies of the Obama administration, especially those ineptly dealing with existential threats posed by the explosive conditions in the Middle East and East Asia. So, will we pay attention or find ourselves entangled and captured by the web? Read Full Story

June 12, 2014—Bin Laden is Dead and Al Qaeda is on the Run . . . Not!

June 12, 2014—Bin Laden is Dead and Al Qaeda is on the Run . . . Not!

In spite of claims to the contrary, al Qaeda and its allies and friends are alive and well—and seeking the destroy America and all our values and traditions. We have the knowledge and means to counter a growing existential threat posed by them, but we must recognize the threat and deal with it. Included in our response should be building effective defenses and hardening the electric power grid. Soon! Read Full Story