Tag Archives: Iran

March 12, 2014—Still a Dangerous World . . .

March 12, 2014—Still a Dangerous World . . .

“I think that cutting the defense budget in significant ways right now is a serious mistake. You know, when we’ve cut the budget before—at the end of the Cold War, at the end of Vietnam and at other times, it’s been because we thought the world was going to be a safer place . . . at least we thought so temporarily at the time. No one can make that case right now. You look at the situation in Ukraine and our relationships with Russia. You look at the tensions between China and Japan and in the South China Sea. You look at Iran and North Korea. These guys are operating on the 20th century model of nation states, boundaries matter, strategic interests matter, zero sum game, I win, you lose. This is the way these countries look at the world. It’s different than the way the West Europeans and we look at it, and frankly the pace at which both the Europeans and the United States [are] cutting their defenses, regardless of what the facts on the ground in terms of the number of ships and number of planes, it certainly sends a signal that we are not interested in protecting our global interests.” . . . Former Defense Secretary Bob Gates, March 9, 2015 Read Full Story

March 5, 2014—In the Blink of an Eye . . .

March 5, 2014—In the Blink of an Eye . . .

Everyone should be aware of the instabilities created by Russia’s interference in Ukraine—and it could rapidly go quite badly. Some have recalled the implausible events and misjudgments that led to World War I and wondered about a recurrence. Furthermore, if Iran or anyone else launches a nuclear weapon to high altitude over the U.S. and detonates it to create an electromagnetic pulse, also in the “blink of an eye” that could lead to the death of several hundred million Americans. Read Full Story

February 25, 2014—Proliferation Cacophony Crescendo?

February 25, 2014—Proliferation Cacophony Crescendo?

We understand the electric power grid vulnerabilities and how to fix them—if the powers that be would take the needed initiatives. Yet they dither while the growing nuclear proliferation threat presents a serious concern that we may experience a devastating attack before necessary countermeasures are enacted. Our failing diplomacy and lethargic defense programs are sapping our strength, leaving us with friends who don’t trust us and enemies who don’t fear us. Time is running out for us to rectify this situation. And our enemies know it. Read Full Story

February 20, 2014—Threat Potpourri…Including the Weather!

February 20, 2014—Threat Potpourri…Including the Weather!

As the mainstream media’s awareness of threats to the electric power grid grows and recent weather reminds us of even worse events that will happen, the powers that be need to develop ways to shield against them. These threats extend from physical attacks, to cyber attacks, to natural and manmade electromagnetic pulse events that could take down the grid for an indefinite period of time, during which several hundred million Americans could perish. Read Full Story

December 11, 2013—Coming Soon: An EMP “Black Swan” Event?

December 11, 2013—Coming Soon: An EMP “Black Swan” Event?

The Japanese surprise attack on Pearl Harbor 72 years ago was a classic “Black Swan” event in that it was unexpected but should have been, as concluded after the fact. A fair question is whether we are courting another “surprise” attack that should be identified now and countered while there is still time to prevent or defend against it? Read Full Story

December 5, 2013—Where Are Today’s Maccabees?

December 5, 2013—Where Are Today’s Maccabees?

On this, the final day of Chanukah, as Jews worldwide complete their celebration of the Maccabee victory that liberated their Temple over two millennia ago, all Americans should remember our common love of liberty, the heritage that has set the West apart, and the common enemy that threatens our very existence and freedom today. We need modern Maccabees to preserve that heritage of liberty for our posterity. So may it be . . . Read Full Story

November 27, 2013—Thanks for the Memories . . .

November 27, 2013—Thanks for the Memories . . .

As we pause to give thanks for all our blessings, it is good to remember lessons learned from those who came before us, and to recommit ourselves to keeping this land free and prosperous for those who follow us. Memories give us a context for seeing and meeting our opportunities to leave this land better than we found it—with the help of the Sovereign of the Universe. So may it be . . . Read Full Story

November 11, 2013—Pending Middle East Disaster?

November 11, 2013—Pending Middle East Disaster?

U.S. aspirations for a deal with Iran, including preemptive concessions to remove the sanctions that are slowing Iran’s economy without any satisfaction from Iran on their deliberate efforts to build nuclear-armed missiles, threaten not only all Israelis but also all Americans. Thanks to France, there is at least a brief hiatus in these talks. Stay tuned . . . Read Full Story

October 17, 2013—Wake Up, America!

October 17, 2013—Wake Up, America!

America sleeps uneasy because of its looming debt crisis that the powers that be seem to be ignoring. Actually, there is a more important threat—literally an existential threat—that the powers that be are also ignoring, in spite of numerous signs of its clear and present danger. Unless Americans wake up and demand that their elected leaders provide for the common defense, a manmade or natural electromagnetic pulse (EMP) event could lead to the death of several hundred million American. Stay Tuned! Read Full Story

October 15, 2013—Shutdown . . . Really!

October 15, 2013—Shutdown . . . Really!

Americans ponder the spectacle in Washington as their representatives collectively attempt to avoid a Government shutdown, generally thought to be a potential catastrophe. Meanwhile, another much more threatening shutdown is being ignored—possibly because it is not understood by the general public. An electromagnetic pulse (EMP), from either manmade or natural causes, is actually a much greater threat that, unless we initiate effective countermeasures, could lead to the death of an overwhelming majority of all Americans. Read Full Story