“Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it.” ~ George Santayana Read Full Story

“Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it.” ~ George Santayana Read Full Story
“Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it.” ~ George Santayana Read Full Story
“The King’s good servant, but God’s first.” Final words attributed to Sir Thomas More, brilliant scholar/author/philosopher of the Renaissance, just before being beheaded at the direction of King Henry VIII. He chose death rather than betray teachings of the Catholic Church to suit the King. Read Full Story
While I am not an atmospheric/weather expert, I am certain that no competent scientist would consider as credible the dire “New Blue Deal” Global Warming predictions it is being advanced to address. Moreover, such an event flies in the face of all history with which I am familiar. Read Full Story
Pause to give thanks for all our blessings, and the lessons learned from those who came before us, and recommit to keeping this land free and prosperous for those who follow us. Memories give us a context for seeing and meeting our opportunities to leave this land better than we found it — and with the help of the Sovereign of the Universe, so may it be . . . Read Full Story
Dear Friend of High Frontier … President Trump’s National Security Strategy, announced on Monday, compels me to urge you to consider a year-end tax-deductible gift to High Frontier. He is on the right track and I want to help. I hope you do, too. I could not have hoped for more than his strategy’s support… Read Full Story
On election day 2016, my father, Henry F. Cooper will turn 80 years old! Personally, these past five years helping my father, to the best of my ability, has been a true privilege. I have had a front row seat watching someone I consider a true American Patriot doing all he personally can do to help protect the American public from the clear and present danger that is posed through the insecurity of our electric grid. If the coalition of individuals committed to solving this problem in time succeed, there is no question that my father will have played a critical role in that effort. Read Full Story
Yesterday was the 74th anniversary of the Japanese surprise attack on Pearl Harbor, a classic “Black Swan” event in that it was unexpected but should have been, as concluded after the fact. Two years ago, I suggested we were courting another “surprise” attack that should be identified now and countered while there may still be time to prevent or defend against it. Two years have passed, the threat has grown and we seem to be beginning to address it—so, a “Gray” Swan? Will we respond in time? Read Full Story
“Billions of government dollars are being spent to subsidize so-called renewable power, mainly wind and solar . . . intrinsically intermittent, as clouds pass in front of the sun, and the wind comes and goes. In small doses the grid can handle intermittent power, but to accommodate a lot of this power, a new approach is being promoted: the so-called smart grid . . . centralizing control [and increasing] the vulnerability of the grid to terrorist hacking.” Norman Rogers, The American Thinker, November 21, 2015 Read Full Story
As we pause to give thanks for all our blessings, it is good to remember lessons learned from those who came before us, and to recommit ourselves to keeping this land free and prosperous for those who follow us. Memories give us a context for seeing and meeting our opportunities to leave this land better than we found it — with the help of the Sovereign of the Universe, so may it be . . . Read Full Story
We will be adding key policy briefs as we progress.