Recent events remind me of Dragnet, a show that I watched regularly in that “black and white” TV era, and the way Detective Joe Friday often began polite interviews with ladies, in effect by requesting , “Just the facts, Ma’am!” Read Full Story

Recent events remind me of Dragnet, a show that I watched regularly in that “black and white” TV era, and the way Detective Joe Friday often began polite interviews with ladies, in effect by requesting , “Just the facts, Ma’am!” Read Full Story
“China’s military doctrine regards nuclear HEMP [High Altitude Electromagnetic Pulse] attack as an extension of information or cyber warfare and deserving highest priority as the most likely kind of future warfare.” ~Dr. Peter Vincent Pry in China: EMP Threat Read Full Story
High Frontier’s good friend and coalition partner Dr. Peter Pry will be the guest for the entire hour of Mark Levin’s show “Life, Liberty and Levin,” on Sunday April 22nd at 10 PM EST on Fox. We encourage you to not only watch, but to forward this message on, encouraging all your friends who are concerned about our national defenses and the insecurity of the electric grid to watch as well. Read Full Story
Monday morning, High Frontier Chairman Henry Cooper provided an update to a group of South Carolina citizen’s about the work High Frontier and it’s coalition partner Foundation for Resilient Societies have been working on to acquire cost estimates for securing the electric grid in the Carolina’s. We wanted to provide you the opportunity to listen to that presentation! Read Full Story
High Frontier is proud to have the opportunity to participate in the second annual Palmetto Panel. In a season where many are focused solely on Presidential Politics, the Palmetto Panel is focused on the issues which are critical to the success of the future of South Carolina. Specifically, High Frontier’s Chairman Henry Cooper, along with… Read Full Story
To follow is the National Review Online Article prepared by R. James Woolsey, William R. Graham, Henry F. Cooper, Fritz Ermarth & Peter Vincent Pry. Read Full Story
Yesterday High Frontier Chairman Hank Cooper had the privilege of participating in a distinguished panel of experts at the National Press Club in Washington DC. The topics discussed included our perilous National Security situation on our southern border, especially as it relates to ISIS activity taking place in the Middle East. Also discussed was Homeland Security’s loss of some 6,000 students who have overstayed their student visas and are now unaccounted for.
All of these topics led to the most crucial purpose of this press conference – and that is to secure our national electric grid. Each of these esteemed participants are part of The Secure the Grid Coalition. Read Full Story
Last Monday, President Bill Clinton’s Director of Central Intelligence, R. James Woolsey; Dr. Peter Pry, who leads the Task Force on National and Homeland Security; and I joined in a discussion of the existential threat of a natural or nuclear electromagnetic pulse (EMP). The event, sponsored by the newly established EMP Coalition—of which Mr. Woolsey is the Honorary Co-Chair along with former House Speaker Newt Gingrich—is summarized here, by clicking below. A YouTube video of the 2-hour conference is included. Read Full Story
To follow are the key points from R. James Woolsey and Peter Vincent Pry’s Wall Street Journal (WSJ) editorial on May 21, 2013. Link to article is provided; however the key points are provided here, as you are unable to view article without a subscription to the WSJ. Read Full Story
North Korea is a mortal nuclear threat to the United States, right now! Any nuclear weapon detonated above an altitude of 30 kilometers (18 miles) will generate an electromagnetic pulse (EMP) that will destroy electronics and could collapse the electric power grid and other critical infrastructures — communications, transportation, banking and finance, food and water — that sustain modern civilization and the lives of 300 million Americans. All could be destroyed by a single nuclear weapon making an EMP attack. By Peter Pry. Read Full Story
We will be adding key policy briefs as we progress.